Minnesparis -Ir they occur on our best people, and once they start, they usually cannot control them. Playing IC is part of life, but doctors in Wisconsin believe that they may be closer to actual healing methods.
Dr. Stephen Stacy, a doctor at the Mayo Clinic Clinic of La Crosse, said: “We really don't know how common they are because they are so common.”
Stacy is an expert in this field, but there is an IC in the study.
He said: “They did not really cause damage, so people did not really do too much research to understand their universality.”
There are not many research on the cause, but it starts with the uterus.
Stewssen said: “Therefore, it may be that the nervous system and muscle system practice before they perform large -scale performances at birth.”
Stacy is one of the minority researchers in this field. With the help of his residents, they have studied the most important question related to playing IC: Can it cure ICs? Stacy has acknowledged some more popular “folk therapies”, such as scaring someone from the JAG of IC.
Steven said: “A scary may work. When you are afraid, when you hold your breath, the acidity level rises, which may trigger the disappearance of IC.”
Another popular method is upside down. Stacey said there was no evidence to indicate. As for drinking water, Stacey said that it can help you hold your breath, because it is “(remedial measures), and there is the biggest evidence behind it.”
Stacy and his partner recently confirmed a research method for research.
He said, “We have tried a lot of people, which is useful for all of them.”
The key he said is to “control the diaphragm and increase the level of acid.”
Try to breathe, and then keep your throat like you are about to speak, but you are just breathing. You are still trying to move the diaphragm. After about 30 seconds, you open your throat and then breathe slowly.
He said that the key was to open his throat while holding his breath.
“People need to know this.”
He said that another hacker who may also cure IC was unable to pull out a glass of water without going over.
Stacey said that we don't know what triggered ICs and research is tricky because you must seize the behavior of the behavior. They study respiratory technology by monitoring people in the clinic that just happened to play IC.